All posts by kayode

Hello, Your Majesty!

Most times, we are the cause of our misfortune. There really is a consequence for all our actions, and even thoughts, and until we are deliberate and fully rational about all we do, we’d keep making mistakes and having regrets. Have you ever thought that if you could go back…

The Purpose of Life

If you are like me, you would have spent quite some time thinking what life is about or wondering why we are even here in the first place. If you haven’t, you are probably 20 years old or less or you just are not aware of who you are, and…

I find it strange when anyone tells me they are bored. There’s so much to do with time and life such that being bored really shouldn’t be an option. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that I’m always working or always being productive, no. I take time out to…

My Opinion

I am who I am. I am me, and I cannot act in a way that’s different from how my mind informs me to act. In other words, I cannot forcibly change who I am. I am me. And you are you, and it’s preposterous and unprofitable to invest time…

We can avoid reality, but we cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

What Women Want

Treat a man right, and he’ll be thankful to you. Treat a woman right and you’ll be thankful for her, forever.

On Being a Man

The Past Yesterday, I became a man … or so I tell myself. But it’s what I believe. No, I did not get married. No, I did not become a father. No, I did not misplace my innocence. It wasn’t until recent times that I actually understood what it means to be a…

Sometime last year, I enlisted the services of a painter to ‘touch up’ a wall. I showed him the color I wanted (an adjacent wall was painted same color) and provided the necessary mobilization to get the job done. He suggested, but did not insist, that I get the paint…

There’s a saying that there are two important days in a man’s life; the day he is born and the day he finds out why. Whether you believe this to be true or not, one thing which is clear is that every thinking man makes an effort, at some point…

Sexual Transmutation

Sex is an interesting concept if thought about holistically, and if one has a colourful imagination to visualise possibilities associated with it. As prevalent and ubiquitous as it is, speaking about sex is almost a taboo. The core values of our local culture are gradually being refined and westernised and…