Category : Lifestyle

There’s more to life than the ‘world’ you live in. The life you live is conceived by your imagination. Your imagination is influenced by your experiences. In other words, the quality of the life you live is a result of your experiences, as well as the decisions you have made…

I like to talk and write a lot about time. I think it’s the singular, most important thing that a person has. In a sense, it is what separates who you are from who you were; and who you are from who you will be. As a concept, it determines if you…

Words – Lesson 101

Without knowing the force of words, it is impossible to know men – Confucius. Words are one of the most beautiful things ever created. Words written, spoken, or sung. Words in any form. Powerful expressions. We are told the world was created with words. Nations go to war over words. Words…

Mr. Superior

People have accused me of being proud but I reply and say that I am not proud, I’m mildly arrogant! Just kidding, of course, but those who I relate with frequently, even my closest enemies, would be inclined to say I am very self-confident; cocksure; supremely confident. This attitude stems from…

This may end up being a brief and short article. Maybe if I had as much money as I would like, it could have been longer! Money isn’t everything; but its an important part of everything. Life as we now know it has been designed/structured in such a way that without money,…

This write up may elicit feelings of discomfort. If you are a fan of organized religion, you may elect to not go further. But I’d suggest you do. My mind wanders and wonders quite a lot. I’m almost always thinking about something. Even when I’m asleep, my mind still keeps…

Relationships. Love

This is just me thinking ….. If everything ends, why is love an exception? How important is love in a relationship? What are the key ingredients that will make a relationship successful? Why do we even need to be in relationships? Relationships There’s a social/psychological part of man/woman that demands…

On Life

My life …. It’s not about you. It’s about me. Why am I the way I am? It’s a combination of exercise, nutrition, genes and having the right mental attitude (positive). It’s a lifestyle, one I embraced a long time ago. It’s about forming the right habits. It’s about discipline….

On time

Time is the only true currency we have (the words ‘time’ and ‘spend’ are synonymous). It’s what separates those who are successful from those who aren’t. What we are today is the sum total of our life’s experiences. Who we are today is a result of what we have done…

Money Planning

Plan for your Money. A great part of our expected reward for working is money. Do you have a plan for that money? If you don’t, you’ll waste it – Kayode Tewe. Take a look at this scenario; someone makes a request of us to lend them money. The first…